Episode 30: Writing/Politics

Robin Clarke is a poet, activist, and professor.  In this episode, we talk about how poetry can provide a counter to the prevailing narratives of business and development.  We also talk about some of the unfair changes we are witnessing in Pittsburgh, how organizing gives people hope, and the superiority of Snorks over Smurfs.

Her award winning collection of poetry, Lines the Quarry, can be purchased through the Omnidawn Press.

Robin swears like a sailor.

Episode 29: My Whole Life is about Obsolete Formats

For this episode, our guest is Jason Baldinger, poet, musician, working stiff, and all around swell guy.  In this episode, we talk about creating and appreciating art in the age of austerity, or at least we meant to talk about that.  We do however end up talking about Jack Kerouac’s blind spots, St. Francis of Assisi’s dining habits, how Reagan ruined everything, and how to save gas when you’re already out.

Jason also reads some poems for us.  You can hear more at Jason’s Bandcamp page.  You really should find out more about his books The Studs Terkel Blues and The Lower Forty-Eight via his publishers NightBallet Press and Six Gallery Press.  You can buy these books from the man himself by dropping a line to theunderwaterculprit@gmail.com. He’s also in a band called Pond Hockey.

As usual there’s swearing, and this time I did have to censor something Jason said.  However, my editing skills are so sharp you will have no clue anything has happened.

Episode 27: Reincarnation Back on the Agenda

For this episode, my friend and future ex-office mate Michael Begnal stops by to discuss his unique life journey. Mike is currently a college professor and poet. However, in previous lives he’s been a drummer in the hardcore band Wasted Talent and once did odd jobs in Ireland.  During our conversation we discuss his various creative endeavors, the virtues of Jackass, Fred Wilpon’s tenure as principal owner of the New York Mets, the ways American culture can be found in Ireland, and Mike reads us a poem he wrote in Gaelic!

You can find out about all things Michael Begnal at his blog.  You can also buy his books Future Blues and Ancestor Worship from his publisher Salmon Poetry.  The recorded output of Wasted Talent will soon be available via Going Underground Records.

As always, I swear.