Episode 9: Improv(e)

Spiff Wiegand is back to talk about improvisation and the role it plays in the creative process.   For the past two weeks, he has improvised a new song every day.   The exercise has taught him a lot about the creative process and how one should think about doing art.  We talked about the importance of play and of not taking oneself too seriously.  Also, I get all professorial and start citing my sources, and Spiff improvised and recorded a brand new song.

You can keep track of his improvized songs at  https://soundcloud.com/spifftunes.  And here you can heard the song he recorded during the podcast called “Spent My Morning Talking to a Yeti“.

Spiff is a musician and actor his old website is spiffwiegand.com and his new website will soon be spifftunes.com.  It’s not yet ready, but go ahead, keep clicking on it.  I dare you!

As always, there’s a little mild swearing.

Episode 8: Letting Go of Analog

In this episode, I talk with DJ Todd Keebs about how a DJ is like a priest, imperialist, or maybe just the pied piper.  We dabble in talking about how good music is transcendent, what makes a good DJ, and what DJ hell is like.   We also talk about the role of technology in our lives, and how a good DJ performance is like a  perfectly designed machine.

Todd does a whole lot so here is the run down:

Every 2nd Friday, there’s the Lazer Crunk Party at Brillowbox.

Every Wednesday there’s Fuzz at The Bloomfield Bridge Tavern (aka The Polish Party House).

He’s also in Chrome Baby Jesus.

And for all other things Keebs related, check out his Facebook page here.  (And you really should, he has one of the best profile pics ever.)

And speaking of pictures, we didn’t talk about this.  Mostly because I wasn’t ready to.

As always, I cannot not swear, sorry.  (Not really)

Episode 7: A Stitch That’s Mine

Join us in lovely and exotic Columbus, Ohio for our first on location episode!  Our guest this time around is anthropologist, quilter, and food blogger Lisa Beiswenger.  We talk about sewing . . . or at least we meant to.  But really, we talk about anthropology, the mixed-up gender signals sent by the name of her sewing machine, the difference between making and buying, why there is a little bit of hoarder in all of us, and why that feeling that you have to poop might really mean that you are moments away from death.

Also, we talk a little about sewing.  It’s our longest ever episode.

Here is the link for Lisa’s vegan baking blog called: Eat at Lu’s.

Also, there’s the white noise of fans and sirens in the background.  Sorry about that, it was HOT in Lisa’s apartment.

And as always, I can’t talk about anything without swearing a little.

Episode 6: I Wouldn’t Trust Anyone in Oasis to Water My Plants if I Was out of Town.

Join me as I talk to Adam Rousseau of Triggers and Chrome Baby Jesus about what it’s like to be in a band, write songs, and perform to a room full of strangers.  In the process, we also talk about when mommy chords and daddy chords love each other very much, why it’s better to be burned to death than buried alive, and just what happens to the bodies of people who fall out of airplanes.

You can find out more about the two excellent bands Adam is in at triggersmusic.com and chromebabyjesus.bandcamp.com

Adam’s used to being on the real radio so he was hesitant to swear, but I made sure I set the tone for another fine NSFW podcast.

Episode 4: Keeping Your Own Personal Scene Alive

Join Anne Volk and I at a 3 AM recording session as we lay out the triumphs and challenges that come once you’ve decided to die a music geek.  Hear about my old irrational anxieties when it came to running out of new music to listen to or being born at the wrong moment in history.  Listen to the utterly insane thought I have at the truly great shows.  We bond over geek moments involving our favorite bands and why not everyone joins us in the tortured life of being a music snob.  Finally, I confess to being a music hoarder, but I totally rationalize it so it’s okay, right?

As always, I can’t speak for an hour without swearing.

Episode 3: Grumpy Young Men

Join us as I talk to Nate Hunt about the joys of being a young curmudgeon.   In a world where lots of things are really terrible, people like Nate and I keep watch over pop culture horribleness, and we make sure that anyone and everyone knows how much stuff really sucks.

We also discuss the world of working angry, roadside memorials, and why I am not a New Jersey Devils fan.

Nate was in a retro-screamo band which you can check out here: meanstoanend.bandcamp.com

I had to make a “razor blade” edit of this one, but thanks to my skills with audacity you won’t even be able to tell.

This one has a lot of swearing and quite the discussion on irritable bowel syndrome!

Episode 2: For Love or Money

After a million years, hello!

This episode is about the difficult choice between doing something one loves or doing something that will make one a lot of money.  Our guest is Brandon Michael Taylor, who is someone facing this difficult decision right now.  We also touch on such fun subjects as why Orlando, Florida sucks, the pain of rejection, making the conscious decision of dying alone in the gutter, and why I think John Mayer is evil.  As always, there’s some mild swearing.

You can learn more about Brandon and what he is up to at brandontaylor.net

And as an added bonus Brett Zoric cooked us up a sweet instrumental outro.  You can find out about what he is up to at triggersmusic.com and chromebabyjesus.bandcamp.com

Episode 1: This is Your Brain on Cars

In this episode, I talk with the supremely talented Spiff Wiegand about the unique mental state that comes from driving.

Spiff is a musician, actor, and all-around smart and funny human being. He travels the country in a Volkswagen Golf performing as a one-man band. Spiffwiegand.com

Special thanks to Brett Zoric for the midi magic theme song, which is funnier and more interesting than anything I have to say. His voice is better than mine too. Triggersmusic.com

What I Think I Am Doing.

Hello All,

Sometime back, I saw Kevin Smith do a spoken word show.  He said, “You should all be doing podcasts.”  I thought, sure sounds like a good idea. So here we are.  I shall do this with my interesting friends until this is no longer fun.  The End.

Dr. Mu